Sunday, February 23, 2014

let Your love fall upon us

Im shocked myself that I can actually post twice in like less than 1/2 weeks
#achievementunlocked #clapformethx #kidding
SO... reason why im posting this is because, PRAYERMEET AND SERVICE WERE SO OVERWHELMING I CAN'T, I NEED TO LET IT OUT OF MY MIND so tada.

I'm going to try to organize what i want to say so.. let's start with prayermeet.
Exams season now and to those who know me, I'm really really not the study-material kind of student.
So, true enough I've been procrastinating alot, dragging time to study and revise and such, only chiong-ing last minute.
Had my first exam ystd and omg it was crap like I really honestly think I screwed it up. SO... i started feeling damn stress and anxious worried nervous etc about how my results will be.
But yeah, "Reap what you sow", so I can't expect good results if I dont even put in the effort to study LOL
Anyway, so with a heavy heart, I went for prayer meet. I was kinda sian and I really didn't expect to recieve anything from God, thinking " oh it's gonna just be another prayermeet " BUT LO AND BEHOLD, God showed himself and wahhhh was so touched I really literally cried cuz His spirit and presence was so overwhelming i can't handle it.

And I remember, for last sem, I had the exact same struggle with my studies too, friends around me and even God gave me a particular verse, GUESS WHAT, the verse was given again during prayermeet.
Jeremiah 29:11-13,11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." 

Im really really not sure whether I will do better or even worse for this sem but yeah, why not put faith in what God has in plan for me? This may sound foolish and many may disagree, but to me, studies is important, but nothing is more important than what God has in store for me. Of course, we want to give in our best to glorify God's name at the end of the day, but even if the results are disappointing, we can still give thanks to God right? God > studies. (but of course, im praying that i'll give in my best and all for exams even though it's a lil too late now) God help me to be more like you, remind me of "what would Jesus do" when I'm lost, guide, lead and show me the way. 

Just when I thought it's WOAH enough, NNNNOPE. God once again prove and showed that He is good and His love endures forever. It's gonna seem quite long-winded but pls bear with me I really want to share this and hope somehow somewhere it'll bless you (whoever's reading).

I received a vision from God. Didn't want to overthink/confirm it at first but when words are being shared, I immediately cried out ' Thank you God '.

The vision goes like this.... (I actually drew it out on my sermon notepad but i can't transfer it here to let me describe it kk). God showed me a person standing in the midst and surrounded by flowers that are withered. It was dark. There seem to be nothing but sadness, nothing but pain, the whole place looked... almost scary. But then, clouds above started to form, and a ray of light shone down from above onto the ground. As the light travelled throughout the whole place, the sun came out, withered leaves and petals somehow began to arise and bloomed into beautiful colourful flowers and soon, the whole place was lighted up.

Please sub the following into the text above HAHAHA
Person = You. Me.
Withered leaves and petals = Our pain, our sadness, our problems obstacles etc. Hopelessness.
Ray of light = God's love
From above = Heaven
Bloomed flowers = Sadness replaced by God's love. Comfort, Joy, Peace, Happiness.
Whole place = Our hearts. 

And then, out of nowhere, i dont know why, something just struck my heart. It wasn't a voice, it wasn't something that I thought of it myself...

"I'll never let your tears fall"

I was like... what... are you serious LOL. But then I realised, the "tears" referred to "tears of sadness". Instead, let our tears fall because of joy. Let our tears fall because of gratefulness. In times of trouble and when you're going through shit, God is with you. Up till now I still can't fully comprehend what is that supposed to mean but that's how I think it is...

So yeah, I'm really quite amazed at what God really gave me for the past 2 days I really didn't expect it but asdfghjkl;sdkjahgfdea.. I dont even know if I'm making sense at all in this post but I'm just typing whatever I think and feel la so pardon me if im not making sense just wanna share to you what God has gave and placed in my heart

Thank You God for showing yourself to me even when at times I fail to focus and look to You. 
I'm truly blessed. :')

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hi hahaha I AM BACKKKK
This is an unplanned post so I'm just typing whatever I'm thinking

So my question that came to my mind just now was, " Why are you still worrying when on the other hand, you have already prayed and said that you have committed it to God? "

I'm not saying that it's wrong to worry about your problems, but isn't it kinda ironic when you already prayed about it, and now you're still worrying whether God will answer your prayer or not. And one key thing in this is, Faith.

Matthew 21:21, "Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done." 

So here comes the next question, what exactly is this word, "Faith"?

We often hear people saying, you got to have faith when you pray, you got to have faith in this, in that, etc. And true enough, being able to have faith is really not an easy thing to achieve. We can say that we have faith, but somewhere deep down in our hearts, we will have this tiny lil thing that's called, "doubt". Till now, even I still struggle with having faith sometimes. And worse, there are times where by you do things, you do it to your best, you have faith that God will do the rest, but the results you get are way further from what you expected to get. Right?

Here's what I realised. By doing your best and committing all to God doesn't mean you have to get the results that you desire. At the end of the day, the results that you expect are YOUR WAY. But shouldn't we do things according to GOD'S WAY?

Precisely. When you change your perspective and put on God's lenses, you'll realise that all these that are happening is according to God's way. God didn't promise that we will always have good and up there results, God didn't promise that when we give our best, we won't fall. But God did promise us that He'll bring us through thick and thin, ups and downs, it's just a matter of whether you're sensitive to His presence or not.

I was reminded of this story yesterday during NP unit meet. The desert story.
When things are going according to your way, and you're really happy and joyful, on the sand, you'll see 2 pairs of footprints. One's yours, the other, God's.
But at times when you are facing troubles and obstacles, you start to only see 1 pair of footprints. And to you, you may be thinking 'Oh, so now God's not walking by my side. He doesn't love me anymore. He gave me all these things to go through even though He is suppose to love me"
Well well, that 1 pair of footprint doesn't belong to you. It belongs to God. God is carrying you through on his back (or even hand), walking through the troubles that you are facing.

I know that all these words are easy to be said(or in this case, typed out), but why not let's start living a life of Faith together? I'm still trying. So should you. :-)

 Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."