Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NP CAMP ; Next-Gen Svc

brrrrr it's raining right now shiok weather to sleep in ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
As promised (okay maybe i didnt promise), I'll be blogging about NP camp and Next-Gen Svc in this post!
-bows- applause pls ok im kidding
This is what crazy things I'll type especially it's like 1:44am in the morning now (Prolly 2/2+ by the time i publish this post but ohwell)
so... where should I start. There's just so many things that God has blessed me greatly with that i really dk where to start. 

Okay, let me start with Next-Gen Svc first then.
Initially, I thought that this service would just be like any other service that I served in, but God proved me wrong.
This time, it felt different.
God touched me in a way I never expected Him to and yeah I was scolded by God for thinking that serving is just a routine/same kind of thing every time.
I'm not sure how to put my feelings into words but.....
This was one of the services that God told me "You have to depend on me to serve My people. Let me minister to you first before you even think of ministering to other people out there
When God told me this, i went like "woahhhwowhaowhoaoh ok....."
But yeah, this struck me so hard that all that at that moment, i just thought, I need to give my best to God
Even though there were hiccups along the way during service and our skills may not be up to the standard of how it would usually be during other services, but God still moved, God is still sovereign, God remains the same even if earthly things change

"God I pray that you'll grow the Next-Gen people, grow us to become more and more like you Jesus. 
Let us not focus on how good our skills should be, but let us focus on how we should set our heart right before You in order to serve You and Your people. 
Skills may be important, but our hearts towards You are much more important. Help us to become young people that you want us to be, that as we grow older physically and spiritually in the future, we may influence the generation after us to love You even greater, serve You even harder and to praise and worship You with all of their hearts. Thank You Jesus. Amen."

Oh by the way what's a post without pictures man so HAHAHAH here it is:




So firstly, I went to camp with a heart that wasn't really prepared and i just didn't know what to expect of this camp, but God proved me wrong as He touched my heart during this 3 days 2 nights camp (even though i wasn't there on the second day). One of my camp objectives was to submit all that i have in my hands to God, for example, my cca, studies, ministry, etc. Initially, i felt very burdened and weighed down by all these commitments i have, but during pnw on the first night, i was so touched by the holy spirit that i couldn't help but cry, and at that moment, i felt the weight being lifted off my chest and I'm really really thankful to God for that.

Secondly, God actually gave me a vision during day 3's pnw. It's a picture of 2 different hearts. One: A heart that has a really small fire within. Two: A heart that has a really big fire within. But then, water came to wash and extinguish the fire in both of the hearts. And guess what happens next? You might be thinking that the fire in the first heart got extinguished first right? well, not exactly.The first heart ended up having an overwhelming fire that the heart cannot contain, while the second heart had it's fire extinguished.The water represents our problems and challenges that we're currently facing.And in the first heart, despite having it's small fire "attacked" by the water, the fire didnt extinguish but became a bigger fire. Instead of stumbling and falling because of our reliance on our own strength and doing things in our own way, putting problems > God, we ought to look to God, ought to seek His face and because of His grace and love for us, He will definitely bring us through. God wants the best for us, and we may be at our worst state now, but hey, God has great plans for you ahead.~ Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain and I can't control.
Lastly, God gave me this word that I believe He wants to speak to us about. The word is: REVIVAL.And by this word, it means both: Revival in the SPIRIT and revival in HARVEST.let's lead a spirit empowered life and avail our hearts for God to move through and in us, using us as vessels of Christ, making an impact not just in our own hearts but all around our individual schools, courses, workplace, etc. 

Those were what I actually shared on HOPE NP'S wall. and apart from that, I wanna thank God for using me during this camp. Thank you God for bringing the OPENING team through the performance.
Even though we were so so unprepared and only managed to practice together on the day itself, BUT BAM, God you brought us through and the performance came out unexpectedly well. Thank you God. :')
And next, thank you God for giving me this heart of worship, even though I was support-singing, it wasn't about just singing the notes and lyrics right but God, you moved in my heart and I was truly touched by your presence.

To all of you who are serving out there, always remember to humble your hearts down before God because at the end of the day, God is indeed bigger and stronger and greater than all else. Your skills may be the #1 Top standard, but without setting your heart right, it can only bring you this far. But if you choose to humble yourself down and devote your ALL to God, and by all, i mean ALL to God, God will bring you THIS FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (and further than this) 

God, I pray for NP as well that God, there'll be a revival in not just quantity, but also in quality. Let us set our hearts right first before wanting to grow our LG. God use us as vessels to go out there to bless people, spreading your gospel courageously because God i know that you'll never forsake us and if we choose to honor you, You will honor us as well. Thank You God. 


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