Monday, October 7, 2013

There's always something to be thankful about. :')

I finally got my lazy ass out of bed and decided to write this blogpost since i've been procrastinating it for a long time. Okay not very long only about a few days BUT STILL...
This is gonna be an update of a series of things that has happened in the past few days/weeks and i dont know why but i just cant wait to share it with you guys(even though there wont be people reading this, its ok)

I cant put into words how fruitful this camp actually was but im still gonna try. Lemme tell you this, GOD MOVED BIG TIME DURING THIS CAMP. I've received so so much from God that I'm just awed and amazed and shocked and happy and grateful and etc etc etc. 

Well to be honest, I went to camp with an attitude of  "I do not know what to expect", "How different would this camp be from others? ", " ah awkward awkward and awkward" . Yes, if you didn't know, I'm a socially awkward person (especially to those that I'm not close with/ those that I dont even know)
So okay, carrying those thoughts and feelings, I went for camp.
Even during heart preparation, I've already received so much from God.
I was so so awed by the Holy Spirit and truly, God's presence was so overwhelming.
And God gave me this two words: First Love.
Many at times, we serve and serve, but who exactly are we serving for? Why exactly are we serving?

Heart Check: Am I still doing this for my one true First Love, which is Jesus Christ? 

Serving is not just about making sure that our skills are sharpened are zai and all but hey, serving is more than just about it's structure, it's going OUT THERE to meet people's needs.

And on a side note, I'm just so amazed by the spirit of the leaders present at the camp as well.
The spirit of wanting to have spirit impartation into the younger and soon-to-be leaders really amazed me.
Instead of ending the night early and to have more time to sleep, my awesome games team decided to have a time of sharing and Q&A session regarding leadership. And truly, it was so fruitful as everyone was giving their attention and wanting to really learn something to apply it in their leadership journey. wow. :')

Awesome bunch of leaders. May God continue to anoint them and to grow from glory to glory for God. :')


Words can't express how thankful I am to everyone who wished me and even people who made the effort to surprise me just to celebrate my birthday. omg even when i'm typing this I cant help but smile :-)
 Firstly, my dearest bestest Acappella peeps planned and surprised me on 30thSeptember. omg i was so touched that i teared but hey i didnt cry ok. Big girls dont cry(but i still do LOL)
I receive a huge-ass soft-toy dog on that day and LOL i had a hard time trying to carry it home without being judged HAHAHAH
still thankful though.

Next, this beautiful girl on the right you see on the top ^, she wanted to surprise me and my home but unfortunately i was out. Despite knowing that I'm outside, she still walked and made her way to my home after work just to pass me a slice of cake and wanting to wish me happy birthday. :') how sweet can she get. 
Not just a fun friend to be with, but also one of my spiritual support that I'm thankful to God for. What would I do without you? I love you berber muacks x. i would write an whole essay for you if I could but hey you know my love for you right. so THANK YOU again.

Okay, the jar you see on the above ^, it contains 100 cranes that one of TP friends made for me! I wonder how long that took but I'm sincerely touched by it. The effort he used to make this I wouldn't understand it but i'm still thankful! 

My dear Ginger had dinner with me on my birthday itself at Hot Tomato. hahaha awkward photo taken but LOL it's ok. Love spending time talking to you about life and getting to know you more! Thank you :-)


Next post: NP camp and Next-gen service. 

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